Irelands most Iconic marine species the basking shark is in need of your assistance. The Basking Shark research team is a group of interested scientists and individuals who give their time and expertise in the quest to gain protection for the Basking Shark in Irish waters.
The Shark is not counted as a wildlife species under Irish legislation and has no specific protection measures in National waters. The group is actively raising the profile of the basking shark in the Irish people's psychic by promoting and facilitating filming and media coverage of the species. This summer will see the inaugural 'Basking Shark Watch Day' on the 6th of June and we hope everyone will contribute their support by turning out at your local watch site for a few hours of basking shark time.
The project also has a more serious scientific side and the pioneering techniques the team have developed for use on the sharks is at the forefront of marine mega-fauna research in the north east Atlantic. The scientific research will contribute to a status report, which should enable legislators in the relevant governmental departments to justify protection for the basking shark in future years. The project also hopes to contribute to our understanding of climate change by utilising the basking shark as a giant continuous plankton recorder and indicator species for oceanographic changes such as water temperature or salinity.

Each team member brings their own particular skill set and contributions, we have so far been extremely fortunate to gain the skills of excellent individuals from web development to boat skippers. All play a vital part in the quest for the conservation in Irelands marine environs. If you think you have any skills which might contribute to the project please don't hesitate to contact the team. We are also actively seeking sponsors for the 2010 season in relation to specific equipment needs etc. and can offer high quality environmental and marine focused media coverage on a national level..