The first Irish Basking Shark Seminar on the study and conservation of basking sharks in Ireland will be held at the Bord Iascaigh Mara, National Fisheries College, Greencastle, Co. Donegal on the 30th and 31st of October 2009.
The seminar, organised by The Irish Basking Shark Project, and funded by the Heritage Council is aimed at all interested parties including members of the scientific community and the general public with an interest in Irish marine fauna and heritage.
The programme includes a range of presentations from national and international guest speakers over the two-day period. Topics covered will include the historical shark hunt, basking shark biology, review's of current scientific knowledge, in depth analysis of shark monitoring methods plus film previews, archival footage and workshops.
Very little is known about this elusive and docile creature which grows to lengths of 12 meters and can weigh over 5 tons. Marine scientists have been puzzled for centuries by the unexplainable behaviour of this animal, which is the second largest fish in the world. The aim of the seminar is to bring together all the relevant information, organisations and individuals with an interest in basking sharks throughout Irish waters and develop a co-ordinated strategy for the future of Irelands most iconic marine mega- fauna species.
For further information please go to the seminar page through the link on the top left of the home page were you can register for the seminar which is free of charge and download a complete seminar itinerary in pdf format.